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Showcase Writing

First piece

It is not easy to come up with your own writing style, but it worth it to try. This is one of the first papers that I wrote this semester. I really liked this paper because I was able to explain a little about myself as well as clarifying my writing style. You can see how my writing developed since I wrote this piece. After this piece I found out the best way that I can organize my paper in short amount of time.

Second piece

Third piece

Coming from a different cultural background, living individually in many places, and being able to speak two different languages fluently, has definitely affected my academic experience. I always try to use these experiences and transfer them into letters by jotting them down in my paper to leave the readers with a positive interest about me as a writer. However, I don’t remember writing any academic papers in my mother language, which is Arabic. Therefore, it was a little challenging for me to learn how to write in another language in order to deliver a clear message to the readers and to be a successful person in my future career.After putting effort and spending almost two years here at UNCC learning the academic English, I have finally mastered the language, kind of. The reason of saying academic English is because I grew up learning English, but I just knew how to speak, hold conversations, and understand. On the other hand, my writing skills and my advance vocabulary were extremely weak. Writing continuously gave me the opportunity to come up with my own writing style.I’m a good speaker, which helped me a lot in my writings. I always like to give a speech in Arabic then translate it into the paper, but in English. I have not reached the point where I think straight in English, maybe I will in this class hopefully. Furthermore, most of my writings would start with an Arabic proverb or a quote that my father said to me once. I also choose to give examples that are related to me personally from past experiences.My father once told me that “Certification is a weapon.” Keeping this quote in mind is my main motivation to keep me focused with my mission. Getting my bachelor degree here in the United State and having a high GPA is my mission. Attending the engineering program as a fire protection engineer is what brought me to this university because this is what I want to keep doing the rest of my life.

1.) Teaches taught us to write long paragraphs. We do this because we feel like we have to reach that required page limit or number of words. But in reality, writing shorter paragraphs actually makes more sense because your getting straight to the point and not rambling on. It flows better and its easier for your readers to read.2.) He approaches it in a more casual manner. It may be different than academic writing because if your writing a research paper, this may be a time where writing more formally may be more appropriate. But, if your writing a speech, blog, or any type of personal experience, being yourself and showcasing your own writing style is the best option. It all depends on your audience. 3.) Morrow most relates Vonnegut because each has the same points but explains them differently. Vonnegut explains what he thinks you should do. Morrow explains what you should not do. Ultimately, they set up their articles the same way. 4.) Morrow's main point is to be yourself and make your own decisions. You should be the one that decides what to write and what you want to write. His main thesis is touched on in the beginning of his article, but his actual thesis statement is at the end where he explains that the blank page is yours and you should be the one to decide what goes on it. 5.) Morrow's definition of good writing would be to simply "be yourself". Don't let others set boundaries for what you should or should not write about.

I really liked this piece because I was able to  communicate with my classmates. This assignment was an in class group assignment that talks about what a good writing is. Our group had couple of questiongs to answer about the Morrow article. the questions are: 1) Which piece of advice do you think is the most helpful for college writers? Why?2) Do you think that the style of writing that Morrow does (digital/blogging) affects the way that he approaches writing? In what way might it be different than “academic” writing?3) Which of the three other writers do you think Morrow most closely aligns with? What do they have in common?4) What do you think is Morrow’s main point or thesis? Can you locate the exact place in the essay where he writes it? How does he support that main point?5) What do you think would be Morrow's definition of good writing?


After this piece My classmates and I were able to state our own opinion and discuss what a good writing is.

1. What is Barthes' main argument concerning the function of toys? Aside from entertainment, what does he suggest that they do?2. Barthes writes that "French toys always mean something." Can you think of a toy, product, or common object and interpret its social meaning? Focus on its function, material, and formal details. How could this object reflect social values?3. How could you connect what Barthes is saying about toys and what Adichie is saying about the single story?

These three questions were asked after reading an article about the french toys.

I think what Barthes wants to say is that toys have another function, which is effecting our children nowadays and minimizing the chance of creating smarter generation who are able to think, because we don’t give children an opportunity to be creative as he mentioned, “toys are usually based on imitation, they are meant to produce children who are users, not creators.” On the other hand toys still introduce children to the future and its realty. For example, when he mentioned the child taking care of the doll here she’s preparing for a future housekeeping. We all know that toys were made specifically to entertain people. However, Barthes said, “toys always mean something, and this something is always entirely socialized, constituted by the myths or the techniques of modern adult life.” Relating this to my childhood, I remember playing soccer in video games until I had the chance to play in real live imitating the exact thing I saw in the video game. In addition to that, I have always played the banking game with my cousin who is working in a bank right now, so this game has positively influenced him to become a banker. The single story is focusing on people who judge other cultures or people based on digital screens, other tongues, and radios. Meaning they didn’t take the chance to discover the actual true behind the subject, as I call these people “sheep flock” they imitate others in believing a lie, just like the children in the other article they are users not creators. Children dont have the enough knowledge and understanding to whats going on in the world

My Daybook;

And this is how it's all stared...

An empty closed notebook with no single pencil print.

In this page I was asked to come up with my opinion about what makes a good writing.I leaned the advanced way of writing in a late age, which is basically a year before I entered college. This is actually had a positive impact on me because I was so excited to learn the good writing steps.From what I learned in the English Language Training Institute (ELTI), a good writing starts with a great hook, one writer has to catch the reader attention by having a strong hook.As an international student, they were always careful in the language they teach us, meaning we have to use advanced grammer, advanced vocabulary, and correct spelling. at the beginning, it was a little bit challenging to do all these "requirments" however, I was able to do them by practicing over and over.

Nothing is better than getting positive feedback and motivational comments. I really liked the fact that in this class students give feedback to one another; When my classmates leave a comment, or criticise on certain thing in my paper thats actually very helpful. It is good to feel that I did my assignment correctly, when I let my fellow americans understand my work and actually post positive comments.

We had a class discussion about our own inquiry project. Each individual was required to present around three minutes. He/she has to talk about his/her topic by explaining their main topic, mentioning their inquiry question, and ask about feedback from the classmates.

what I jot down in this piece of paper of my notebook were great advices from an article that we read before the class. This article offered couple of good tips that my classmates and I can use when we present our topics

Brainstorming is the best step to take in order to kick your work correctly. We were asked to dig deep in google and to come up with ten different sources about our topic. These sources has to include academic article, articles from uncc's library, youtube videos, pictures, and any related sources. After collecting some of these sources I wrote them down so they can help me to organize my ideas. I also wrote what do I need to include in my project, so I can go back and look it up.

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